Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How To Increase Your Metabolism

If you can increase your metabolism, you can lose weight without exercising. There are ways that you can control your metabolism so that you can experience lasting weight loss. Your rate of metabolism is how many calories you burn over a period of time. There are two types of metabolism that can affect you.

Your basil metabolic rate is how fast your body burns calories at rest, just doing your normal activities, including sleeping. This rate can be more important than the rate that you burn calories while exercising because you spend more time at rest.

Resting metabolic rate is different for each person and can change over time in the same person. You may be this person or know the person who said they used to be able to eat anything and would never gain weight but as they got holder that changed. You want to get your body in shape so that it will burn more calories while you are doing your every day activities.

There is no secret, in order to lose weight and keep it off, you have to burn more calories than eat. You can look at these processes separately and give yourself different weight loss options. You can keep eating the way you are and find a way to burn more calories; continue your current activity level and take in fewer calories; or combine the two for maximum weight loss.
You can get more information about healthy ways to reduce your caloric intake in another article. Now we will discuss ways you can increase your resting, or basil metabolism. Many people start skipping meals when they are trying to lose weight. This is one of the worse things you can do. Your body needs food to function properly and efficiently. When you stop eating or skip meals your body starts to slow down because it thinks it has to conserve the food it does get. This is your metabolism slowing down.

Think of your body as a fuel burning furnace and your metabolism as the thermostat. In order for it to produce heat, you must keep feeding it. If you feed it small amounts on a regular basis, you will have good heat production. If you take the same amount of calories you eat now and spread them out over the course of the day your body will start expecting that the food will keep coming and will burn what it already has. If you eat 5 or 6 small meals a day, you will take a great step in increasing your metabolism and you haven't even exercised. You are using your body's natural processes.

Most people want to lose weight so they can lead healthier lives. One of the best ways to get healthy is to exercise. You do not have to do intense workouts to make a big difference. If your body is in good shape, you will burn more calories at rest. A moderate walk every other day can shape up your body and increase your basal metabolism.

In order to lose weight you must be disciplined. You have to want to make some changes. You can't keep doing the same things and expect change. But just a little change can make a big difference over time.

READ MORE - How To Increase Your Metabolism

Boredom Can Shorten Your Life According To Research By University College London

Boredom can shorten you life, according to research carried out by the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at University College London.
The specialists from the department looked at data from 7,524 civil servants between the ages of 35 and 55 during the period between 1985 and 1988. Those civil servants who said that they were bored were nearly 40% more likely to have died by the end of the study than those who said they were not.
It was also found that there was sufficient evidence that there is a link between heart disease and boredom.
But why do some people claim that they are bored to death?

  • This may be due to the work they are doing being not challenging enough. They need to find something more challenging and stimulating to do at work or else they'll really be bored to death.
  • Sometimes boredom could be the result of depression. If you're depressed, you usually lose interest in what you are doing. Depression interferes with your work, social and family life.
  • People have too much time on their hands. These people include retirees and wealthy people with not very much to do to keep themselves occupied.
  • People with high intelligence are grouped with people with average intelligence. Take the case of a very intelligent child being in the same class as children of average intelligence. The intelligent child picks up information very quickly and is ready to move on to a new topic. They are unable to move on because the rest of the class is still learning the topic. As a result the intelligent child very quickly gets bored with lessons.
  • There is a lack of change in the environment. If you've been in the same environment for too long you'll soon get bored with your surrounding.
Some people who are bored to death turn to drinking and smoking to combat their boredom. They get addicted to drinking, smoking and other drugs which are detrimental to their health.
Some of the ways to cure boredom are:
  • If you find the work routine too repetitive and boring, speak to your manager and ask if the work of the department can be rotated. For example, if you work in the accounts department, one person may be dealing with the accounts receivable, another person may be dealing with accounts payable, yet another may be dealing with asset ledgers. If you're dealing with only one area of the departmental work, then it will get rather boring after a while. You may feel that you can do the tasks blindfolded. It's not challenging enough to keep you stimulated.A job rotation every 3 - 4 months will help to stimulate you and your colleagues because you look forward to doing something different when you rotate to another task within the department. The departmental workload is still done and it's good for the department as you'll be able to cover for each other during holiday period or when you or your colleague is on sick leave.
  • Once you recognize the signs of depression and if you are bored as a result of it, you should ask for help and support. Speak to your family and friends and let them know what you're going through. Tell them you need their support and understanding. Don't shut them out as your depression might get worse in isolation.The signs of depression include feelings of helplessness, feeling bored with daily activities, feeling tired and physically drained, change in the sleep pattern or appetite and having problems with their concentration.
  • If you have too much time on your hands, you can sign up as a volunteer worker. There are many charitable organisations looking for the services of volunteers. You'll feel great within yourself knowing your contribution has helped to make the lives of other people better.
  • If you feel bored because you're not in the right learning group, make a request to get transferred to a more advance learning group. You may have been accidentally put to a beginner's class instead of an intermediate or advanced class. You may be happy and feel that the pace of this class is well within your comfort zone but the price you've to pay for this comfort is boredom.
  • If you're bore with your environment, make changes to it. If you're bored with the colour of your room, change it to a different colour to please your senses. If you're bored with your surrounding, take a short break from your surrounding. Go away for a few days and visit your relative or friend in another location.

Boredom is a state of mind and should be tackled as soon as possible. The mind needs to be challenged and stimulated before you're bored to death. A change in your lifestyle can also open up new interests to keep you from being bored.
READ MORE - Boredom Can Shorten Your Life According To Research By University College London

Tips For An Irresistible Morning Men's Grooming Routine

You're absolutely irresistible. But are the things you do before you leave the house?...When it comes to pure good looking power, these 8 men's grooming tips are magic:

  1. Shower: A good shower with good body wash has numerous benefits. You'll smell great, your skin will look better, and your hair won't be greasy.
  2. Brush: When you brush, make sure you brush your tongue. Most people don't brush their tongue but all dentists recommend it. I guarantee after 2 weeks you'll have better natural breathe. I remember when I started brushing my tongue, I was amazed one night when I got home at 4 am. My natural "tired 4 am" breathe was just fine. I didn't need any chewy to freshen things up. Nobody likes bad breath. Brush your tongue every single time.
  3. Refine Your Face: Your face is the most important part of your appearance...Everybody sees it and it defines your look. So make sure you have no crust around your eyes, your nose-hairs aren't sticking out, you don't have a uni-brow, and your lips aren't chapped. If they are, fix it! Use chapstick, trim your nosehair, pluck your eyebrows - simple.
  4. Ear: No ear hair is vital. It's unattractive. But good news - it's very easy to remove. Also, use a swab or towel and get rid of morning and after workout ear wax.
  5. Nail Care: Women love when men have clean hands...Doesn't everyone? In business, your handshake could make or break you.I've been caught for bad nail care unfortunately...A girl I went out on a date with noticed my finger nails were too long. And trust me, they were too short to measure with a ruler! But in a woman's eyes, they were too long...So be sure to cut your nails regularly. I would recommend once a week. Rule: If your nails can scratch they're too long.
  6. Scent: Use an antiperspirant. A brand like Axe will do a great job. This is the brand I use and it works like a charm. Even under pressure, it keeps my sweat glands in check. Use a body spray if you wish...It's not necessary if you use a top-notch body wash. Before leaving your house, dab 2 hits of cologne - one on your chest, the other on the back of your hand. Press the cologne on the back of your hand to the other hand and on your neck.
  7. Hair: The style and look of your hair can change the game. A guy who doesn't look good can easily transform with the right haircut. You can't go wrong with a short hair style. Research shows short hair is perceived more attractive on men. Be sure your hair is clean, healthy and well-groomed. Before you go out, shampoo, condition, style it with your fingers and put a little bit of product (whatever it is that you use). If you use gel, be sure not to load it on...You do not want your hair to look greasy. Remember that simple does the trick.
  8. Shoes Make The Man: Ever heard this statement? Well, it's true...Especially in a woman's eyes. For some odd reason, everybody looks at your shoes. It's probably because as human beings, we have the tendency to look down at times when talking to people. So make sure your shoes are clean!
These 8 simple steps will do wonders for you...In fact, they'll create magic! Don't let these steps overwhelm you because I'm able to get through all 8 in 25 minutes each morning. If you're that guy who walks into a room looking so good, with so much self-confidence that all eyes are enviously on him then don't bother...
READ MORE - Tips For An Irresistible Morning Men's Grooming Routine

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ayurveda Tips

The world of Ayurveda

(an ancient system of healing in India) is a lot about food. It's something we eat several times a day and what we put into our bodies can be compared to fuel.
I hope you will find the following Ayurveda tips useful.

  • Make sure you do some exercise every day as this helps to get your digestion and your metabolism 'moving'.
  • Take time at least once a day to get into meditation - you can also do some yoga exercies as well as this also helps to keep you calm, become more supple and even stop those awful food cravings we all get sometimes.
  • Get up early and be in bed, ready for sleep by around 10 each night.
  • Prepare your meals fresh every day and don't eat leftovers as they are lower in energy.
  • Make lunch your biggest meal with a light, easily digestible meal in the evening.
  • To help the digestive process, add cumin, turmeric, fenugreek, black pepper and fresh ginger to your meals.
  • Drink hot water throughout the day instead of cold water

Here are some more Ayurvedic tips to assist you in certain circumstances

  • Hot, spicy foods are not your friends if you are feeling irritable or even angry.
  • Don't eat salads or raw foods if you are feeling anxious or nervous.
  • Dairy products or sweets are a no-no if you are suffering from a cold as they can slow down recovery because they are mucus forming.
Although the above are general Ayurveda tips that we can all benefit from, if you delve further into this amazing healing system or visit a Ayurvedic doctor, you will find that our bodies are classified into three types, called doshas:
  1. Vata
  2. Pitta
  3. Kapha
This means that we are either one of the above types or possibly a combination. Vata types, for example, are usually slender with a light bone structure and they typically have cold hand and feet which means they love it when it's warm. They are a restless type, walking fast and also quick thinking. They also love more fatty food, mushy soups and loves sweet tastes as well as sour and salty food.

On the other hand, Pitta represents the principle of fire and so this means that digestion and assimilation of food is important. Therefore they tend to enjoy their food, their appetite is good and the temperature of their body is often higher so they like cool things. They have a good digestive system, an excellent memory and ask a lot of questions. They may be sensitive to fried food. They tend to urinate a lot as well as sweat profusely.

Kapha represents the energy of structure and lubrication and such people tend to be a bit overweight with heavy bones and a large compact frame. They have a steady appetite but their digestion is often slow and they walk and talk slowly. These types can easily spend their day sleeping or relaxing at home and they usually need the stimulus of caffeine to get their metabolism going in the mornings.

So you can see that what is good for a Vata type (they crave warmth, for example) is no good for Pitta types who tend to be overheated.
However, it should be clear from the above that Ayurveda is based on firm principles and is a great system for good health. I hope the Ayurveda tips are of use to you.
READ MORE - Ayurveda Tips

What To Do If You Have No Health Insurance In Georgia

It is unfortunate if you are one of the 40% of Georgia residents who have no health insurance in Georgia. The majority of Georgia residents get their health insurance through their place of employment, as part of their compensation package. However, some people, maybe because of their employment status, or medical conditions, or financial situation, have no health insurance in Georgia. This can result in some big financial stressors in the event of an unexpected illness or injury. Having no health insurance in Georgia can be remedied for a lower price than you imagine.

There Is No Excuse For Having No Health Insurance In Georgia
Having no health insurance in Georgia is unnecessary because there are seven large insurance carriers providing health insurance policies to Georgia residents. Through these companies, individuals can locate an affordable health plan that will provide medical benefits for themselves, and their families if they so choose. Don't leave your family members with no health insurance in Georgia! There are also three companies that provide Medicaid plans for children under the age of 18. Many colleges also offer student health plans to enrolled students. And many small businesses subsidize the monthly premiums for their employees' health insurance. So saying, I have no health insurance in Georgia, is unacceptable if you want to have peace of mind and prevent medical and hospital bills from becoming a financial burden to be placed on your family.

The Price of Having No Health Insurance in Georgia.
Unfortunately, there are also seniors living here who have no health insurance in Georgia. Maybe they retired early from their place of employment and do not yet qualify for Medicare. These individuals run a high risk of finding no health insurance in Georgia that will approve their application. They may be denied due to poor health or a chronic medical condition. There are some resources for people who get no health insurance in Georgia through the usual channels. Although some states have health insurance pools for the uninsured, Georgia does not have that program in place yet. It is possible that individuals with pre-existing medical conditions get no health insurance in Georgia. This is very sad and will also place a financial burden on the state of Georgia. Unpaid medical and hospital bills resulting from patients who require medical care and have no health insurance in Georgia, end up being a problem to everyone else in the state.
If you lose your job and cannot afford Cobra, you may find yourself with no health insurance in Georgia. This may be the time when you need to focus and research the plans and policies offered by insurance carriers here in the state. You can check with each insurance company to get rates and information. Another way of finding rates is to speak with a licensed independent insurance broker. They work with all the major insurance carriers and will help you find the best plan for you. Please do not keep living with any health insurance in Georgia. Think about your family and the future.
READ MORE - What To Do If You Have No Health Insurance In Georgia

Personal Trainer A Better Source Of Fitness Knowledge Than Dvds

The world today is obsessed with having a healthy body and a pleasing personality. People opt for all sorts of options for maintaining fitness like going to a gym, hiring a personal trainer, dieting and abstinence from certain fattening foods. Though such methods are not proven to be successful in fortifying your health, they have become a rage amongst the youth of today, as everyone is in a mad race to look good and better than the people around them. What people do not realize is that due to this competition to look good, they are adopting wrong methods of weight loss or muscle development which will harm their body in the long run.

However, taking advantage of the craze for fitness, the market today is flooded with several bogus equipments, dietary supplements, diet courses, exercise regimes and exercise DVDs. There are various equipments like bench press equipment, ab-builders, tummy flatteners, sauna equipment, home-gyms etc which have flooded the market. These products are just taking advantage of the innocent and obsessed consumer and selling them worthless products with tall promises of health maintenance. Models and personal trainers who have been working out for years to develop their wonderful body will appear in television commercials and attribute their success to the product they endorse and brag about its wonderful effects and why you should order the same as soon as possible. However, these products are far from reality and millions of people around the world have not realized the fallacy of these tall claims by such fraudulent companies.

But the most fraudulent of such products are undoubtedly the exercise DVDs. These DVDs claim that by watching various personal trainers on your television screen and emulating their exercises, we can develop a body as toned as sculpted as their own. However, there is little truth in these claims. Exercise is not a simple activity; it is a science and has various aspects to be taken care of for your body to actually gain any advantage due to exercising. Improper usage of exercising techniques can lead to damage to the muscles and ligaments of our body in varying nature. This fact is mentioned in the DVDs but their focus is always on emphasizing how important and useful their product is.

So, you must be thinking how personal trainers are better than these DVD packages? Well the simple answer to this lies in the fact that the trainer will give you personal attention during your exercise. You may easily imitate the exercises shown in the DVD, but every human body has different ailments and some exercises may prove to be harmful for some humans with certain specific problems. In this case, the DVD cannot advise you a modification in the exercise while a real person will not only warn you about the aftereffects of the exercise but also suggest changes in a way which will not be harmful to the body.

Another aspect of these exercise DVDs is that you do not know if the exercises demonstrated, are actually of any good use. Generally, the personal trainers in gyms and health clubs are certified experts in exercise and have years of experience in the health industry. However, such data about the people who make these DVDs is not available. The customer can never know if the makers of the DVD are actually certified experts and know what they are doing.

In essence, it is for the betterment of your lives that you should make the active choice of not buying these worthless exercise DVDs. Real people and personal trainers shall give your body the expertise that these DVDs shall never achieve. Opt for the best and rely only on certified fitness instructors who can give your personal attention.
READ MORE - Personal Trainer A Better Source Of Fitness Knowledge Than Dvds

Is The Itching Due To Scabies Mites: How To Get Rid Of Them Effectively

Myth about scabies is that they are the result of uncleanliness. This isn't the case and in fact can occur in any environment because the mite is easily passed from person to person due to contact, sharing items, intimate contact or daily interactions. Accounts have been given by people about how they were picked up in fancy hotels, college dormitories, nursing homes, pre-schools and elementary schools.

There is often an incubation period of several weeks so when you get an itchy rash you often don't think about what you did five weeks ago or the environment you were in. This can make it hard to diagnose and analyze properly. Rashes are also complicated by the fact that they aren't always easy to figure out. You may have heard someone else in class has chicken pox or a fungal infection. Kids also can get impetigo easily which is a bacterial skin red rash.

The first step is always to get a proper diagnosis. Once you do that, you are on your way towards an accurate treatment. Without that, you may be using the wrong types of medication or methods to eradicate the problem. There are so many different types of rashes and even rashes from insect bites. Scabies allergic rashes can look like mosquito bites, chigger bites and other insects. By asking questions to the teacher of your child's class or the director of the nursing home you can try to find the underlying causes of the rash that your child or elderly parent may be suffering from.

If you do find out that the rash is from the scabies mites, the method most prescribed is the permethrin cream at the five percent level. This is a pesticide and will remove the scabies. It is applied overnight and washed off in the morning. Some doctors will give another treatment the following week to remove any stragglers. At the same time, one needs to wash and dry the clothing in a very hot temperatures and place into bags whatever can't be washed for a few weeks so that the mites can suffocate.

The itching can be very challenging to cope with and it's important to use antihistamines to relieve the itching instead of scratching the skin. Scratching the skin can result in bacterial infections that can even develop into impetigo. Permethrin is very effective and needs to also be applied under the nails as well as put on hands again right before going to sleep as it is easy to rub off the cream when one is on the computer or touching things before going to bed. For stubborn forms of scabies in the elderly, there is a pill available called ivermectin that is sometimes prescribed if the creams are not eliminating the problem. If your child has scabies, often the doctor will advise all family members to also use the cream at the same time to eliminate any reinfection.
READ MORE - Is The Itching Due To Scabies Mites: How To Get Rid Of Them Effectively